Tuesday, September 2, 2014

If At First You Don't Succeed...Try Try Again




So yet again, it's a long time no post. LOTS has changed and happened. Including the gradual face lift this blog is going to have. The biggest change is we now have our healthy baby girl, Baby H. From the time she was born, which happened to be a 28 hour nightmare (that's a story for another post), she became the light of my life. So many things have changed, many I knew would, others not so much. ( Like typing one handed right now) 

I figured out the hard way that blogging and pregnancy... just didn't work for me, obviously. I just couldn't hack it. However, I'm gonna try and test the waters with juggling being of course full-time wife and mommy (priorities priorities), my spiritual routine, my part time job, house-work (which would be at the very bottom of my list except my husband and I don't like living in filth except for the leaning tower of dirty dishes currently residing at my sink that I keep pretending are covered up with an invisible force field), and now blogging. This is something I want to start doing for me since now those things are far and few. 
So to do this, I'm going to try and start out being organized. ( I know Ha Ha right?) At the beginning of the month, I'm going to do a post about "A Day In Our Life" where I'll document through pictures what an average day for us is like from start to finish. This will probably just be for your entertainment purposes since it will most likely be me tripping and spilling on myself over half the day. Then weekly I'm going to try several posts. I know, I know. I hear your laughter since I didn't even manage an average of once a month before. We can hope and dream right? We'll hopefully have " Momma Monday" where we'll talk about something only us momma's will relate to or enjoy whether it be just a thought, a product review, a baby recipe...you get the idea. 

Then we're gonna have "Thanks and Thoughts Thursday". I am a huge believer in the fact that we all take so much for granted and in the long run, it's the little things that matter most and leave the biggest imprint on us. I was recently talking to my mother in law about the idea for this day and she was telling me about this friend who every morning when she wakes up first thing, spends 5 minutes praying about nothing but the things she is thankful for. I love that thought and am thinking about trying it myself but... for the sake of being realistic with the blog and not having too high of expectations, we're gonna limit it to Thursday.  

Plus, last but not least we're going to aim for "Foodie & Fabric Friday!". The most blessed day of the week since not only is it the last day of the work week but now we get to concentrate on FOOD! and an occasional craft. Yes, this is a subject I get very excited about. :) Can't you tell? I feel like I have the heart of a foodie even if I don't cook as much as I'd like too. When I do cook though, I love trying new things and trying to make things healthy while tasting good. To add a little kink in the line though, I just recently found out that my 3 month old daughter has a dairy allergy. That means we just need to be even more creative now since all things dairy are off limits for me because I'm breastfeeding. Chow ice cream, sianara cheesy goodness.

However, thank goodness for Pinterest ( My secret indulgence is Pinterest and I've already got several full boards of ideas. (Early morning "research" happening) SO EXCITED! 

So to wrap it all up, let's look forward to new beginnings and hopefully, me sticking to it this time. Hopeful thoughts! 
 TTFN (Ta Ta For Now) 


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