Monday, September 8, 2014

MOMMA MONDAY-Wrap Me Up Before You Go Go...

So let’s talk baby talk. It’s Momma Monday! Yay! Ok… so maybe it’s not so exciting that it’s Monday, but come on people, work with me. I’m trying this new thing called positive thinking. It’s not quite working yet considering I’m sleep and caffeine deprived, I have bean burrito on my skirt (YUP, joys of now eating 1 handed), I have to work, and my mother in law just called me and told me that my daughter laughed for the first time and I wasn’t there… But I’m thinking POSITIVE right??... Maybe??... We might try again for tomorrow. 
Photo: I had tons of fun with these girls. I am prejudice but don't we look great? If my mom could see us now! :-) #mommycon thank you for a great day. We loved the #joovy display as well!Anyways, wanted to share some of my experience from this past week. I attended Mommy-Con in Memphis for the first time ever. Let me just say, it was one of the neato-est things I’ve ever been to. (Yes I just said neato-est and it is a word in my dictionary). I went with Baby H, of course, and my 3 sisters and their nursing babies. We all have children 15 months and under. Crazy huh? It was 500 mommies and daddies gathering where you get to see a lot of the new baby products out there on the market and listen to various discussions on hot topics out there for parents.  
Photo: #liltulips #liltulip #mommyconmemphisLet me just say it was crazy! From Joovy to Itzy Rity and Ergo, there were tons of companies and their newest products out there that you get to look at and try. You even get to go through the different booths and try with your baby the newest carriers out there. Speaking of, that’s what I wanted to talk about. I never ever thought I would be one of those mommas that had my baby strapped to me with a long piece of fabric. It just honestly never looked safe and didn’t look comfortable and I only thought the groovy hippie chick moms could pull them off. WRONG! The one I tried was the Ergobaby Wrap and let me tell you, it was the most comfortable and easiest carrier I have tried! I attended one of the classes with one of my sisters where they show you how to wrap it, insert your baby and various ways to carry them. I loved how they showed you the various safe ways of wrapping so that your baby would actually have to fail and fall through 3 different “seatbelts” as they put it, before they would even fall out.  So easy with the elastic material, convenient with how small you can wrap it up and carry it around, and comfy with the soft material and Baby H LOVED it. Plus, I felt like she was extremely secure and safe. Safety first! I even saw daddies wearing them! 
I was so thrilled with my experience and the ease of putting it on and how much Baby H liked it, that I went home and told my husband and he said HE would even wear it. Of course, only if I didn’t get any girly colors. He has to keep up his manly-man persona you know… lol So we just figured out our next baby purchase.  
Photo: Sister time at @MommyConUSA
So let me just say, if you ever are interested in wearing your little one, which I extremely encourage, don’t be afraid to try something new such as wrapping your baby. If I can do it, you can do it. What carrier do you like to Go Go with your baby? 
Maybe we’ll see you next year at Mommy-Con, but until then… 
TTFN (Ta Ta For Now) 

Thursday, September 4, 2014


As I'm starting to type this post, I'm typing one handed while laying on the very edge of the bed trying to avoid any sudden movement, halfway humming a song I don't even like but it's the only one coming to mind for some reason and I'm longingly looking at my now empty ice cream cup wishing for more.

 Why am I in this predicament? My 3 month old daughter almost refuses to be put to sleep at night without being nursed and even after, if you aren't right up against her for awhile, she will wake right up. I'm sure mine isn't the only one. So as I was laying here, again on the very edge of the bed because she is sprawled out in the middle, (she's a very big 3 month old) I'm thinking of all the things I should be doing. We leave for a weekend trip out of town tomorrow and I'm still not completely packed, there are dishes in the sink, laundry that needs to be washed, dried, folded (I never hardly put them away though), my bathroom DESPERATELY needs to be cleaned... and the list goes on and on to the point I have a headache. 
 Then I stop and look down just as my daughter sighs in her sleep, letting me know she is just about completely in La-La Land, passes very loud gas and she smiles. :) As I lay here chuckling it's things like that sweet sweet smile that remind me of these little moments that are the most important. Yes, I will always have things to do and yes I could be doing some right now, but she will only be this size and be like this once. She won't remember these moments, but as long as I'm here to catch them, I will. I guess that's the part that is important. Making ourselves available to our children while they want us and need us. When I think about the fact she wants ME to be there with her, to soothe her to sleep, to feel my presence... it makes me feel so warm and tingly. I almost want to do a happy dance but again won't because of the no sudden movement thing. 

Nursing her to sleep has by far been one of the hugest bonding factors for me and her. It's those couple of minutes when she is drifting toward sleep. She looks at me and slowly starts to take longer to open her eye lids when she blinks. When she coos up at me trying to fight going to sleep. These are moments that I will never get back if I miss them. Yes I hear my husband getting to watch whatever he wants on TV in the living room and it occurs to me that my bedtime is now pretty much anywhere between 7:30 and 8:30 because of laying her down and the fact I get up with her at 4 to 5:30 every morning, and I feel a little pang of jealousy. But then again I'm in here making memories.   What moments did you find that you treasured most when you had your children or if you don't have kids, the ones you made with your parents? 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

If At First You Don't Succeed...Try Try Again




So yet again, it's a long time no post. LOTS has changed and happened. Including the gradual face lift this blog is going to have. The biggest change is we now have our healthy baby girl, Baby H. From the time she was born, which happened to be a 28 hour nightmare (that's a story for another post), she became the light of my life. So many things have changed, many I knew would, others not so much. ( Like typing one handed right now) 

I figured out the hard way that blogging and pregnancy... just didn't work for me, obviously. I just couldn't hack it. However, I'm gonna try and test the waters with juggling being of course full-time wife and mommy (priorities priorities), my spiritual routine, my part time job, house-work (which would be at the very bottom of my list except my husband and I don't like living in filth except for the leaning tower of dirty dishes currently residing at my sink that I keep pretending are covered up with an invisible force field), and now blogging. This is something I want to start doing for me since now those things are far and few. 
So to do this, I'm going to try and start out being organized. ( I know Ha Ha right?) At the beginning of the month, I'm going to do a post about "A Day In Our Life" where I'll document through pictures what an average day for us is like from start to finish. This will probably just be for your entertainment purposes since it will most likely be me tripping and spilling on myself over half the day. Then weekly I'm going to try several posts. I know, I know. I hear your laughter since I didn't even manage an average of once a month before. We can hope and dream right? We'll hopefully have " Momma Monday" where we'll talk about something only us momma's will relate to or enjoy whether it be just a thought, a product review, a baby get the idea. 

Then we're gonna have "Thanks and Thoughts Thursday". I am a huge believer in the fact that we all take so much for granted and in the long run, it's the little things that matter most and leave the biggest imprint on us. I was recently talking to my mother in law about the idea for this day and she was telling me about this friend who every morning when she wakes up first thing, spends 5 minutes praying about nothing but the things she is thankful for. I love that thought and am thinking about trying it myself but... for the sake of being realistic with the blog and not having too high of expectations, we're gonna limit it to Thursday.  

Plus, last but not least we're going to aim for "Foodie & Fabric Friday!". The most blessed day of the week since not only is it the last day of the work week but now we get to concentrate on FOOD! and an occasional craft. Yes, this is a subject I get very excited about. :) Can't you tell? I feel like I have the heart of a foodie even if I don't cook as much as I'd like too. When I do cook though, I love trying new things and trying to make things healthy while tasting good. To add a little kink in the line though, I just recently found out that my 3 month old daughter has a dairy allergy. That means we just need to be even more creative now since all things dairy are off limits for me because I'm breastfeeding. Chow ice cream, sianara cheesy goodness.

However, thank goodness for Pinterest ( My secret indulgence is Pinterest and I've already got several full boards of ideas. (Early morning "research" happening) SO EXCITED! 

So to wrap it all up, let's look forward to new beginnings and hopefully, me sticking to it this time. Hopeful thoughts! 
 TTFN (Ta Ta For Now) 


Friday, February 14, 2014

Not What I Thought....

Let me just start off by saying, I am not who I thought I was. I foolishly thought I was this organized person who could make up their mind and decide what they wanted to get done and make it happen. EEEHHHHH…. Wrong. I am not. I started this blog journey (very, very short journey before it plummeted off of a cliff) with goals of what I wanted to accomplish for me and figured out actually a lot about myself in just the fact that I hadn’t stuck with it.
Let me say, I tip my hat to all of you mama/pregnant blogger ladies out there. Pregnancy was not what I thought it would be and neither was blogging. Of course I’m not reversing being pregnant, can’t find that darn remote (just joking by the way), and I’m not giving up blogging but I now realize I’m going to have to approach these two things differently then what I thought as well as many other things. I may have just hit a bump in the road for a while there, which by the way ended up being on my stomach, but I’m going to keep going. It may take me a while and I’m going to have to learn some serious discipline for myself along the way, but I know I can do it. After all, isn’t this what my blog is about, figuring out what works and what flops?
Let me just really quick get you up to speed in the gap of time that has elapsed. I am now 25.5 weeks pregnant with a chubby cheeked baby girl! Yay! Morning sickness has finally left but I caught the other sickly things several times that have been floating around from other people in the process. I have started up cooking again with a healthy long-term view. My obsession here lately has been weight loss and healthy food blogs. I’m already curious to see how others have gotten their mummy tummies off after baby and improved their way of eating and living with a healthier view even though they didn’t have one before. I seriously need some cues from people on that so I’ve been yearnin’ for some learnin’ and have found a couple of things I’m going to try. Trying to set goals of organization and things that I want to get done on our house and just in general before she comes (I.E. my husband actually do because I can’t even reach my toes) and then also things that I want to do after.
I’ve had a couple of small craft “pinny projects” (things I’ve found on Pinterest that make me go Ooohhh…) that I have tried (making my own stencils for the nursery as seen in the pictures) and didn’t think were half bad plus some future ones I’m going to be trying to share with you guys that I haven’t done. However, I think I still see lots of food things in your future since after all, I am still pregnant and even if I wasn’t, I just love food. J
 I also want to share with you a new thing that I’m hoping to do with you guys. As I said earlier, I’m already curious about the mummy tummy dilemma. So therefore, I will be sharing my journey as well for getting to a healthy size for me and way of life. Now let me say, I do not want to go drastic and I’m not saying I won’t be proud of my baby belly after. It took a lot of work to make that thing you know? But at the same time, I know it will be healthier for me, my child, and my poor loving husband (who has suffered from indulging in my craving rage) to get to a healthier way of living. I don’t want to be “skinny” people. There is no real “skinny”. Each person has their own perception of what skinny, beautiful, fat, chunky, pudgy…. are and I’m not interested in any. I want to be healthy and there is nothing wrong with that. If you can be happy with who you are then that is great. However, I know I wasn’t before I got pregnant and I’m certainly not going to be afterwards.
So, to round up the rodeo, more will be coming. No promises what, when or how... but just know there will be more.
TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)