Friday, February 14, 2014

Not What I Thought....

Let me just start off by saying, I am not who I thought I was. I foolishly thought I was this organized person who could make up their mind and decide what they wanted to get done and make it happen. EEEHHHHH…. Wrong. I am not. I started this blog journey (very, very short journey before it plummeted off of a cliff) with goals of what I wanted to accomplish for me and figured out actually a lot about myself in just the fact that I hadn’t stuck with it.
Let me say, I tip my hat to all of you mama/pregnant blogger ladies out there. Pregnancy was not what I thought it would be and neither was blogging. Of course I’m not reversing being pregnant, can’t find that darn remote (just joking by the way), and I’m not giving up blogging but I now realize I’m going to have to approach these two things differently then what I thought as well as many other things. I may have just hit a bump in the road for a while there, which by the way ended up being on my stomach, but I’m going to keep going. It may take me a while and I’m going to have to learn some serious discipline for myself along the way, but I know I can do it. After all, isn’t this what my blog is about, figuring out what works and what flops?
Let me just really quick get you up to speed in the gap of time that has elapsed. I am now 25.5 weeks pregnant with a chubby cheeked baby girl! Yay! Morning sickness has finally left but I caught the other sickly things several times that have been floating around from other people in the process. I have started up cooking again with a healthy long-term view. My obsession here lately has been weight loss and healthy food blogs. I’m already curious to see how others have gotten their mummy tummies off after baby and improved their way of eating and living with a healthier view even though they didn’t have one before. I seriously need some cues from people on that so I’ve been yearnin’ for some learnin’ and have found a couple of things I’m going to try. Trying to set goals of organization and things that I want to get done on our house and just in general before she comes (I.E. my husband actually do because I can’t even reach my toes) and then also things that I want to do after.
I’ve had a couple of small craft “pinny projects” (things I’ve found on Pinterest that make me go Ooohhh…) that I have tried (making my own stencils for the nursery as seen in the pictures) and didn’t think were half bad plus some future ones I’m going to be trying to share with you guys that I haven’t done. However, I think I still see lots of food things in your future since after all, I am still pregnant and even if I wasn’t, I just love food. J
 I also want to share with you a new thing that I’m hoping to do with you guys. As I said earlier, I’m already curious about the mummy tummy dilemma. So therefore, I will be sharing my journey as well for getting to a healthy size for me and way of life. Now let me say, I do not want to go drastic and I’m not saying I won’t be proud of my baby belly after. It took a lot of work to make that thing you know? But at the same time, I know it will be healthier for me, my child, and my poor loving husband (who has suffered from indulging in my craving rage) to get to a healthier way of living. I don’t want to be “skinny” people. There is no real “skinny”. Each person has their own perception of what skinny, beautiful, fat, chunky, pudgy…. are and I’m not interested in any. I want to be healthy and there is nothing wrong with that. If you can be happy with who you are then that is great. However, I know I wasn’t before I got pregnant and I’m certainly not going to be afterwards.
So, to round up the rodeo, more will be coming. No promises what, when or how... but just know there will be more.
TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)