Monday, November 25, 2013

So Far...

      So, long time, no hearing from me again. Looks like I'm gonna have to try a little harder to be more consistent with doing the things I say. One thing I can assure you of though is, you haven't missed out on the chicken and dumpling or the morning glory muffins, because they have yet to be created in my kitchen or touch my palette. lol But I promise they will be coming. I have goals, I'm just falling short of them here lately while I try to find my middle ground with all of the changes going on between the constant exhaustion, trying to get a crib, that by the way fit through our front door, into our bedroom door without having to tear it apart (which eventually did happen after taking it apart piece by piece and the removal of a door with the skills of my awesome and patient husband), trying to seal some things up at work... and the list goes on. I guess I'm figuring out more and more that this is just the beginning of my unscheduled life from now one. :) But I will find some sort of balance...eventually. I just ask that you stay cooperating with me for a while longer if your still out there...Anyone still there?

     Anyways, in the mess of everything, we've been able to still remember to take pictures of me every week so far except for week 12. I didn't want to post them quite yet because I wanted to make sure we made it to our 2nd trimester safely and we have. Welcome to my 2nd trimester and week 14! I'll just do a quick recap.

8 Weeks

     Still having the constant pain in my butt from the injections but as weird as it sounds, I think I'm starting to get used to it so it's not so bad anymore. I've moved on from constant sickness to every now and then. I was sleeping like a log for a while there and I LOVED it, but now I'm at that stage where my husband says I constantly "wiggle" in bed trying to get comfortable and "burrow". I'm normally a person who sleeps on my belly or back so moving to my side WHILE adjusting to getting bigger has been an interesting challenge but I WILL SUCCEED! I haven't broken down yet and gotten a pregnancy pillow but I have a feeling pretty soon, that will be changing.

9 Weeks

     The cravings have started up. Out of no where, I will say to my husband, "Guess what sounds good?" It's almost become a game. lol I think he's getting tired of it though because he now just replies back bagels and cream cheese every time. He does know me well though and would normally be right. I'm kind of a bagel junkie. I love a good bagel and smear. :) The latest craving was last night and I wanted melon of any sort, which, unfortunately is the wrong fruit for this time of year. So disappointing. :(
10 weeks

     We will be hopefully finding out what we're having over the next couple of weeks so I'll keep you updated. Of course we won't find out for sure till about the middle to end of December, but can't you tell I'm excited???!!!! I don't wanna wait!
11 weeks

     Anyways, that pretty much brings you up to date. Getting bigger, can't sleep good, and always hungry from first thing in the morning to about middle afternoon. I'm gonna try, again emphasis and try, to do a weekly update from now on of the pregnancy and then get back to recipes. My boss has been putting in requests for things so this might be a good opportunity for you guys to actually get some foody stuff.
13 weeks

Till next time as usual...

TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)

14 weeks

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